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Figure 1: UK 6G research pillars proposed by Wireless Infrastructure Strategy.



EPSRC and DSIT have funded three future Telecoms Hubs and provided additional resources to bring them together in a federated structure, which will help deliver the six core areas identified in the Wireless Infrastructure Strategy. This structure brings together three existent EPSRC funded future telecoms platforms with new connecting infrastructure (JOINER). The three Hubs are:

  • PlaTform DrIving The UltimAte CoNnectivity (TITAN)

  • Hub in All Spectrum Connectivity (HASC)

  • Communications Hub for Empowering Distributed clouD computing Applications and Research (CHEDDAR)

The Hubs are geared to address research challenges in three broad areas, namely, network-of-networks, wireless and wired spectrum and telco cloud & next generation computing for telecommunication. Additionally, as part of federated telecoms hub a Joint Open Infrastructure for Networks Research (JOINER) is also being developed to support collaborative experimentation and experimentation at scale across the Hubs’ research ecosystem and beyond.

Call Overview

TITAN, HASC, and CHEDDAR have been allocated a £4m in total (£1.33m each (at 80% fEC)) to build joint work between members of the Hubs and new partners across the UK landscape to expand the research programme in alignment with the hubs’ objectives and to showcase first 6G trials and experiments.



We particularly encourage projects that:

  • Involve industrial partners, preferably as an active partner

  • Bring in new expertise and institutions, not currently part of the Hubs

  • Showcase early 6G experiments and trials using local Hub institutional facilities

  • Make use of the JOINER infrastructure to enable collaborative research and drive national 6G pilots and other Hub institution facilities


To see full details of the call, see PDF document below:



To submit an application, please use the links below:

To apply for a project with HASC:

To apply for a project with TITAN:

To apply for a project with CHEDDAR:



Applications Closed